Sunday, August 30, 2015

Disclosure is Eminent

-Sweeping social, political & economic changes are poised to sweep away the New World Order.

-Take out your cameras, your charcoals, your paints, your creative tools of expressive choice.

-Record the New Earth Order as the human race is transformed from debtor citizens to affluent citizens.

-Take photographs, sketch, paint, dance, sing as the human renaissance sweeps away the darkness that ruled Earth Prime for time immemorial.

-As Earth Prime frees itself from Illuminati rule we will be free divine humans in the light of creative energy.

-Take images, record videos, cast sculpture, and paint murals to the new age of human renaissance.

-As the Illuminati fades their repressive choices will be changed by joyful dancing and singing in the streets of the New Earth Order

God is Angry at the Illuminati