Friday, July 12, 2013

American Hierarchy

In the American hierarchy we have individuals who rank higher or lower according to a set of rules that determines the so-called right pecking order although we are supposed to be a classless society. 

  1. The wealthy head the list since wealth is Godly in a capitalist society.
  2. The powerful since power is feared or revered by those who do not possess it.
  3. The worker who produces is honored especially if they hold a coveted job.
  4. The educated for education is the stepping stone to being wealthy or powerful and may just lead to a coveted job.
  5. The martyr to either an honorable cause in society or the controlled opposition to the wealthy or powerful.
Coveted Job – A coveted job is usually in entertainment or sports. It may sometimes be an honored job such as school teacher.
Honorable Cause – Fighting crime, doing charity, or simply maintaining the status quo for the wealthy and powerful.
Controlled Opposition – Those who wish to improve their quality of life by doing what is in their best interests, especially if it benefits most Americans. Examples: Being fully employed instead of under employed. Having a post secondary education even if it is not for a coveted job. Having more than enough money to pay bills, enjoy life without the wealthy or powerful interfering with their agenda.

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